At Araxus Consulting, we know that on-site training can provide a tremendous benefit to any company, but that it is all-too-often at a tremendous cost, usually several hundred dollars per person per day. Our goal is to provide quality training at a fraction of the cost. We offer on-site training to small and medium-sized groups in a variety of areas. All training sessions can be tailored to meet your requirements and goals, covering the topics you feel are relevant.
If you would like us to provide training in an area not listed below, please contact us. We may still be able to help, either in house or by referring you to another organization.
General Computing
- Introduction to Personal Computers
- Introduction to Windows 95/98/Me
- Introduction to Windows NT
- Introduction to Unix
Office Applications
- Introduction to Microsoft Office (one or more of Word, Excel, etc.)
- Advanced Topics in Microsoft Office (one or more of Word, Excel, etc.)
- Introduction to Relational Databases
- Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)
Local Area Networking
- LAN Hardware and Media
- Peer-to-Peer Networking
- Client/Server Networking
- Supporting and Troubleshooting LANs
Wide Area Networking
- WAN Hardware and Media
- Routing Protocols
- WAN Design and Implementation
- Supporting and Troubleshooting WANs
The Internet
- Using the Internet (ISPs, modems, web browsers, e-mail, indexes & search engines)
- Understanding the Internet (organizations, ISPs, network architecture, DNS, etc.)
- Installing, Supporting and Troubleshooting an Internet Connection
Web Sites
- Introduction to Web Page Design
- Introduction to Scripting and Programming
- Advanced Scripting and Programming
- Dynamic HTML
- Commerce on the Internet
Home Services
Training Contact
Info Links Community
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